Pet owners want to keep their little fluffballs happy and healthy, but it’s hard to manage both at the same time when it comes to visiting the vet. As soon as they realize what’s going on, their poor, pathetic faces fall to the ground in sadness and despair.
Sorry, cuties, but it’s for your own good! You’ll thank us later, but for now…not so much.
1. “Be strong, my friend. We can do this.”
2. His claws dig deeper into the upholstery the closer they get.
3. “I am so going to poop on the floor when we get there.”
4. “Isn’t Petco on the other side of town?”
5. “Do you even KNOW how they take my temperature??”
6. “Wait, this isn’t the spa!”
7. “You won’t leave my side, right?”
8. “I can’t help but notice this is not grass.”
9. “I might come out for about a thousand more of those.”
10. “Back off, buster.”
11. “Can we please go home?”
12. “Nope, nope, nope.”
13. “I will protect you, sister.”
14. “It’s not so bad if I don’t look…no, wait, it’s still bad.”
15. “I know where you sleep.”
16. “Took apart my cat’s crate at the vet because he wouldn’t come out.” #Fail
17. Puppy eye game is so strong right now.
18. “Why can’t we just cuddle?”
19. Maybe he should have listened last time the vet said to go on a diet.
20. The anguish is all too real.
21. “Shh, I’m invisible.”
22. “How did you find me?”
23. “Mommmm, the scary doctor man is coming!”
24. “I will climb down this drain if I have to.”
25. Hopefully her health is better than her stealth.
They definitely deserve a few treats and belly rubs for enduring the traumatic trip. Maybe a new toy, too.